Friends of the High Line
Mar 2nd 2017
The Friends of the High Line who support High Line Park in New York share the same commitment to sustainability and historic preservation that drives us here at Rail Yard Studios.
We were proud to craft these limited edition sets of bookends with the High Line logo using hand-selected pieces of rail initially made in Andrew Carnegie's steel mills in 1900.
The book ends are on sale exclusively at the Friends of the High Line pop-up market at Artists & Fleas located in the Chelsea Market.
After working on a project related to the Statue of Liberty last year, we're thrilled to be connected with another New York icon in the High Line!.
Built along the abandoned West Side Line dating back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, a grassroots effort preserved the structure that was donated by CSX who has a long history of environmental and social responsibility. Since then, the High Line has begun building a new history fostering urban redevelopment as well as new cultural venues for both the public and private arts.
One of Manhattan’s leading visited destinations, High Line Park has driven urban renewal on the west side from the Meat-Packing District in Chelsea to Hudson Yards, a 22 million square foot urban redevelopment project – the largest in the history of New York, and the entire U.S.
The project established a new standard for the preservation of urban railway right of ways. The original massive steel structure was maintained and connected to the surrounding neighborhoods, and the railroad track has been integrated into the design of the park landscaping design and layout to preserve its connection to the railroad.
Focused on sustainability, the landscaping is comprised of native regional plants, and much of the flowers and fauna are well-tended examples of what came to grow naturally on the abandoned line. Even rainwater is carefully retained to assist in the maintenance of the landscaping.
Hosting art and other cultural attractions in the public spaces inside the park route, the Greenway has revitalized the area. Today, the park passes countless museums, galleries and restaurants including The Whitney Museum and Chelsea Market, the urban redevelopment of the factory of the National Biscuit Company better known as Nabisco, where the Oreo cookie was invented and produced.
Rail Yard Studios is proud to be part of the Friends of the High Line in their efforts to for preservation and sustainability as they set the example already followed by other cities around the country.