Reaching Just a Bit Further...Custom Projects
Posted by Robert Hendrick on Apr 18th 2016
Custom projects mean much more than furniture. Public art is increasingly where we find ourselves going, and those special projects for corporate clients tend to be some of the most fun as they exercise their creative skills.
When some of our friends from one of the Class 1 railroads called with a special request, we knew we were in for a fun challenge.
We knew this custom project was going to be something special.
Our client was requesting a "Tree of Life" crafted from the creosote-free cross ties we use.
"How tall is this tree supposed to be?" we asked.
"Twelve feet," came the reply (freestanding, too as we would learn later).
"Is there room at the resort hotel?"
"The ceiling is seventeen feet in the hotel" (which we would later learn was a non-issue since we wound up installing it on the pool deck).
A 12-feet tall tree crafted from creosote-free cross ties and other railroad materials
"Remind me again where this is going," we asked trying to catch all of the details.
"Phoenix." (That's in Arizona for the geographically challenged - the other side of the country from Nashville, Tennessee where we're located).
So we had to ask, "How long will it remain there?"
"Three days."
"And then what happens to it?" we ventured.
Ultimately it would find its home in the Chamber of Commerce in Kingsport, Tennessee (that's back on this side of the country for those of you tracking us around the country).
Our client added, "And we're going to hang Polaroid pictures on it and donate $10 to a hard-hit community for each picture." (There would be 1,000 pictures on this tree before the event was over).
"Can you do it?" they asked.
"Sure," we said. Because we liked the challenge.
"Oh, that's why we love working with you. We come up with these crazy ideas and most people tell us it can't be done, but you make it happen."
Guess it helps to be a bit crazy ourselves.